A number of Standard Report Builders are provided in RM Auditor on which you can base new Report Builders. The content of these is summarised below. A more detailed description of the Standard Report Builders is provided in the RM Auditor Installation and Administration Guide.
User Activity Detailed Report: the activity of specific users.
User Activity Summary Report: summarises the activity of a group of users.
Computer Activity Detailed Report: activity of one or a small group of computers.
Computer Activity Summary Report: summarises activity of a larger group of computers.
Summary Printer Usage Report: information about printing activity on the network.
Detailed Printer Usage Report: information about the activity of one or more printers.
Program Usage Report: provides an overview of the usage of selected programs.
Individual Program Report: provides detailed information about a specific program.
Low Usage Report: highlights underused resources or inactive users.
Resource Usage Report: provides a general overview of your network, highlighting areas of high activity.
RM Auditor Status Report: summarises information about the database including size, coverage and recent activity.